Friday, June 13, 2008

Managed to finish (hopefully, but there’s been no feedback yet) the advertising image for Vodaphone.. they wanted an impossible shape and although that was quite a challenge working in 3d (where you have to be able to really build whatever you want to draw!), the result looks good.

The rap video is coming together too, but I can’t go much further with it without the artist providing some visuals and photos himself. Hopefully these will turn up next week.

I’ve also had to do some extra writing work – three advertising emails – but they’re pretty much OK. I’ve even managed to hit another deadline I’d forgotten about: I’ve done the re-writes for my latest book “the really really really easy step by step guide to creating and editing digital videos using your computer”

Pithy title eh? Not my choice….

David Davis
After the Government barely managed to get through legislation allowing them to hold terrorism suspects for 42 days (although the bill will almost certainly not survive the house of Lords), David Davis – one time runner for leader of the Tory party has resigned on principle. His idea is to force a by-election which he’s going to campaign on the basis of fighting the erosion of civil liberties.

Good for him – and I told him so in an email:

Just a note to say that I thought your actions today were honourable and intelligent.

You may be feeling isolated without the backup of the party mechanisms you’ve become used to right now, but be assured, you are not alone in believing that the principles on which our democracy was founded are worth defending.

The British have always guarded our freedoms jealously, and the veil under which they are now being eroded is thin indeed. Our freedoms were forged in times far more dangerous than these, and we forget sometimes quite how hard won they are.

I am not a natural Tory supporter – and I’m unlikely to become one any time soon, but I’d like to commend you for your stand today. As an IT journalist I’m constantly reminded of the small, technical developments that are eroding our personal freedoms piece by piece and of the difficulties of bringing the real issues underlying those changes to the public eye. The excuse of terrorism may be allowing our police and our leaders to persuade themselves that more and more draconian measures are needed, but it is good for them to be reminded that democracy makes them our servants, not our masters.

Good luck with your stand.

Christian Darkin

It turns out this morning that the government aren’t going to stand against him and neither are the Lib Dems – but if they don’t, Kelvin Mackensie – one time editor of the Sun (and somebody I once had to sue to get my money out of Highbury house – a collapsing publishing company) will stand.

Apparently he’s being backed by Rupert Murdoch.

This would be fantastic – great theatre! I’ve got half a mind to go up and follow the campaign with a video camera – it would make a great documentary!

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