Thursday, May 29, 2008


I actually managed to finish my work in good time today. The wall street animation seems to have gone off without too much of a problem (the clients haven’t come back to me about it wanting changes at any rate).

The deadline for the newsletter was moved forward to today (I heard about that yesterday). I’d have liked more time, particularly because the newsletter is announcing the launch of a new version of the video editor whose purchasers the newsletter goes out to – and I’d have liked to have seen the package before writing about it. As it is I’ve had to do the article based on the company’s press releases - but no problem, it’s done and seems Ok. Next month I’ll have the package and will be able to get to grips with it a little more thoroughly.

That left me with most of the afternoon to start work on another commission with a slightly less immediate deadline. This one’s a children’s poster of Tyrannosaurus rex. Fun stuff, and I’m aiming to bring a little of the latest thinking on the beast (like the fact that it’s young were probably feathered) to the picture.

I went out last night with a friend of Lisa’s and I’m feeling a little the worse for wear, so it’s good to have been able to spend the afternoon on something gentle… not that Trex is gentle, but sculpting in z-brush is a fairly relaxing job if you don’t have a harsh deadline for it!

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