Friday, July 17, 2009

Straight back into work after our holiday last week. I’ve got one confirmed new job – an animated music video which I’m already stuck well into, and it seems to be going well. I’m aiming for a kind of art deco/cartoony look which is going to be fun.

I’ve also been contacted by someone who asked me to do an intro sequence last year, but it never happened. It seems he’s now got a budget and is ready to go – so that’s another short job to add to the list.

I’ve started up the google advertising again (but not nearly at the level of the beginning of the year) and it seems to be paying off, so it’s possible the downturn I found earlier in the year might be coming to an end… though I’ve no idea why.

I’ve fine-tuned the advertising a bit, so it’s more targeted at people who are actually looking for animators rather than people who are looking to watch animations – although it’s quite difficult to separate the two groups by thinking of the keywords they might search for. I’ve also limited the ads to just the UK and Ireland. Not something I wanted to do because it really doesn’t matter whether I work for people in the US or Australia…. However, I seem to be getting more contacts from UK people, so it makes sense if my advertising budget is small to concentrate there.

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