Friday, May 29, 2009

A short week this week – but I’ve managed to do quite a lot of work on modelling and animating my trilobites. I’ve really gone for bright colours – without any scientific reasoning beyond the fact that trilobites are the first creatures with true eyes, and developed into such amazing shapes – so I’m treating them a little like reef fishes.

I’m doing some quite impressive shots – so I’m ending up with lots and lots of creatures in each shot, which really taxes my machine – and slows everything down. Still, I’m having lots of fun with physics simulations and crowd behaviour, so there are some interesting techniques being used.

My SEO (search engine optimisation) work earlier in the year does seem to have placed me higher in internet searches, and it is driving visitors to my site (around 70-80 per day ) but it’s not generating any enquiries. The enquiries I got from 200 or so visitors garnered using Google’s sponsored links generated roughly an enquiry every day, so there’s a definite difference in quality of visitors.

It seems the searches are less targeted and a lot of them are image searches. It’s no bad thing to have people viewing my work in this way, but it would be good to be getting some actual work from it!

All I’m getting right now is a lot of people emailing looking for work experience….

Maybe it’s a sign of the times.

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