Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Funding my documentary
Ok – I’m not spending money on the documentary, but I am committing time to it and that’s a cost in itself. On Thursday I’ll be spending the whole day at this warp-drive symposium - So how to justify my time?

I quickly look up the UKs astronomy magazines and email their editors offering to cover the conference for them. If any are interested, then there will be a few other interviews in this project that I might be able to turn into features.

Qualty control
Just heard that Shark story (http://www.electricsky.com/catalogue_detail.aspx?program=1694) passed electric sky’s quality control!


I was worried because I’ve no idea what grounds distributors use to judge the technical quality, so I was making my own judgments all the way along! It also cost 650 pounds to get the finished doc transferred from a hard drive to digibeta (they also required a DAT8 tape with various channels separated out). I wasn’t looking forward to having to do that again since it added a third to the cost of my documentary.

Anyway – great news – now I just need someone to buy it from Electric Sky!

I’ll probably hear if anyone has in about 5 months time.

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